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Showing posts from 2022

Categorizing your life, 2 year check in on 10 year goals

A few years ago we wrote a post outlining our 10 year plan .  As part of our annual planning we decided to do a check in to see, how are we doing? Well… we are doing okay. We’ve invested 18% (goal 20%) of our income over the past year (yay!), we’ve put 35% towards the house (goal 50%), and the remainder went to cost of living, which was a bit over our goal of 30%, double to be in-fact, eeek!  Well some things happened last year. We moved to a new neighborhood that had better schools for Little Rock. We ended up moving to a town where two cars was critical, so we picked up another car. We also decided Little Rock needed some socialization so we signed her up for a preschool 2x per week. So all and all, things we needed to do for our little one. Family first. So what did that mean for our goals? Well, we will try to work on that a bit in the new year. We can still make our house payoff by 2030 (and save 100k in interest, I’m not joking). We use YNAB to budget our money. We follow the way